
Are you offended by Facebook’s latest social experiment that the company claims is perfectly legal – despite the fact that it only included the internal operations clause four months after the experiment (instead of before)? If you are, then a group called Just can help you get some sort of justice against Facebook.

The company’s emerged with a new social experiment of its own that shows Facebook how it’s done (yeah, 99 days of freedom informs you about abstaining from Facebook; it doesn’t use an algorithm to affect your statuses. But we digress.)

The creators of Just have created a new Facebook protest campaign called “99 Days of Freedom” in which you’re to abstain from using Facebook. Just requires you to visit their campaign site (99daysoffreedom.org), where you can click “join the experiment” to get started. You’re given the choice of downloading a “99 days of freedom” profile pic that you can then share on Facebook via a link — once you make the choice to free yourself from Facebook.

See Also: Facebook’s mood manipulation experiment lures complaint to FTC

To be a fully participating member in the revolution, however, certain rules apply. Once you enter the movement, you must delete your Facebook apps on your devices (all of them), and you can’t log into Facebook for 99 days (a little over three months).

See Also: Facebook emotion manipulation experiment undermined by user policy

You can post messages at the 99 days of freedom forum (anonymous) to tell others that’re undergoing the same challenge about your progress, frustrations, etc. The site will check in with you on days 33, 66, and 99 to see how you’re advancing in your virtual protest against Facebook. 99 days of protest may not mean much, but imagine what’ll happen if at least 10 people you know protest Facebook? So far, 4,307 people are enjoying 99 days of freedom as social media rebels.

Are you ready to join the experiment? Head on over to the site to get started.