Siege's Team Killers Will be Auto-Kicked

Team-killing has been a problem in Rainbow Six Siege since the beta. There's nothing like single life multiplayer games to draw in a cloud of griefers who want to ruin everyone's fun.

Rather than wait for players to kick a team killer from a match, Ubisoft has released an automatic kicker.

"We have set some parameters that will cause an automatic kick of a griefer within a match," Ubisoft writes. "We are trying our best to make the distinction between accidental team killing and intentional team killing.

Same goes for intentional hostage killing while playing as Defender. We will be tracking if the auto-kick feature reduces intentional team killing instances and will be adjusting the rigor of the parameters accordingly."

Apparently, Ubisoft has been aware of the issue since open beta.

The team noticed "an exponential growth of griefers intentionally team killing - 1.3% of the matches were affected at the beginning, and it went as high as 7.8% at the end which is obviously unacceptable." Since launch it's settled at 1.8%.

It's well worth reading through the rest of the patch notes, PC players are getting a high resolution texture pack, there are fixes and balance changes, and improvements made to hit detection, too.