Developer Supra Games gives Supraland a bold description in its official summary on the game's Steam page, which suggests gameplay that will be a mix between Portal, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid. Given the stature of those titles, it's a tall order. Somehow, though, Supraland succeeds more than it fails in its lofty ambitions. While the game is by no means perfect, it manages to combine the environmental puzzle design of Portal, the exploration of Zelda, and the level design of Metroid to brilliant effect.

Supraland immediately sets itself apart with an enchanting world. The entirety of Supraland takes place within a sandbox that has been lovingly populated by a precocious child. Players take control of a red action figure as they live out the child's imaginary story about blue and red figurines warring over water. The story itself is clunky, awkwardly referencing real world situations such as Trump's infamous Access Hollywood debacle, but it still manages to charm thanks to the dedication of the world's vision. Most of the world is built from household items like wrenches, pencils, and toys, and those elements that are clearly imaginary, such as lasers, befit the game's depiction of a child at play.

Supraland embraces creativity, functioning primarily as an FPS puzzler akin to Portal. While there are no portals in Supraland, the game deploys a similar design philosophy, giving players a few simple tools which are then expanded upon through clever use of the environment. From beginning to end Supraland surprises with new additions, either in the world or the player's arsenal, altering how puzzles can be solved. This makes back-tracking delightful since returning to previous areas offers more than simple upgrades. The understanding that comes with new mechanics reveals a multitude of secret puzzles that are a joy to solve and, like the best Metroidvanias, actively enriches gameplay.

Aside from the inspired puzzles and charming aesthetic, Supraland compels thanks to its interconnected world. While traversing Supraland's many zones, it is possible to complete side quests for NPCs that teach players the intricacies of gameplay by isolating specific nuances and making them the focus of a mini-puzzle. By completing these challenges, the player learns how to overcome the game's hardest puzzles and make it to the end of the story. This design does mean players need to explore and take part in the optional activities if they wish to grasp all the core pillars of gameplay, but the sense of discovery is well worth it. The only major drawback is how it affects the final areas of the game. The last couple tools do not have corresponding side quest tutorials and their nuances need to be inferred from those of other tools. The result is annoying trial and error that slows the game's progression and makes for some awkward late-game puzzles.

Aside from some rushed design near the end, Supraland's puzzle gameplay is near-flawless but the same cannot be said for its combat. By far the weakest part of Supraland, combat serves as an unnecessary, and annoying, obstacle. The controls are fine, and the impact of the various weapons is solid enough, but combat occurs all too often. Enemies respawn relentlessly and all exhibit the same AI, making fighting them a tiresome bore. There are a couple boss fights, however, that show the combat's potential as they interject puzzle elements and demand actual strategy. If Supraland enhanced the normal encounters, or just significantly reduced them, the annoying effects of the combat would be removed entirely.

Supraland originally released on the PC last year and has recently been ported to consoles, but it's impossible to tell. At least on the PS4, Supraland plays and controls wonderfully with a smooth frame rate and vibrant graphics. The world is as richly detailed as the PC version and feels right at home on a controller. Despite some annoyances with combat, story, and late game design, Supraland is excellent overall. Players who enjoy exploration and puzzles deserve to treat themselves to this stunning adventure.

Supraland is available for the PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PS4.