Comparing Sony’s latest financial report to that of Xbox’s sales. The PlayStation systems outsold the Xbox systems 3 to 1.
The combined sales of the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3 totaled near 3.5 million units in the first quarter while in 2013 the sales were only 1.1 million units sold. Microsoft’s financial reports came through with sales of the Xbox One and the Xbox 360 of around 1.1 million units of the first three months of the financial year thus proving PlayStation outsold the Xbox 3 to 1. Sony has also confirmed they’ve made about 2.5 billion dollars in sales generated from game sales and network services like PlayStation plus.

Now for those of you confused a fiscal year is when that company started sales or service. So it’s like If I started making YouTube videos today my fiscal year would the same time next year. That’s how that works.

There’s a couple things I find pretty funny about these sales figures. The first one is that the Xbox systems are meeting the demand for last years sales of last gen systems that have already been out forever and a day. I do keep an eye on sales figures from time to time myself. I’ve noticed that some weeks the PlayStation 3 outsells the Xbox One which I can fully understand.

It’s apparently clear to me that people favor performance, great titles and great practices from companies. I think buying a system such as the Xbox One Or the PlayStation 4 is just a bad choice in general if you’re a video game enthusiast like myself for many reasons which I’ve went into time and time again on this channel. Be it performance, price, or accessibility. I’ve also stumble across many articles that are saying that the PC is soon to dominate the systems in the coming years. Which I totally believe especially when the systems won’t be able to keep up with the technological demand of triple A gaming due to the lack of power of the systems and the inferior versions these systems get. But that’s another video for another time. Take care everyone and happy gaming. I’ll see you later!