It appears that a developer on Konami’s Metal Gear Survive has placed a secret message in the game.

A lot has been said and written about Hideo Kojima’s controversial departure from Konami back in 2015. While Metal Gear was created by Kojima, Konami owns the rights to the franchise and has now released open-world action survival Metal Gear Survive. From the looks of it however, some developers at Konami aren’t too happy with how the publisher dealt with Kojima, and have hidden a secret message in the latest Metal Gear installment.

As posted by freelance gaming journalist ‘Jed Whitaker’, a rather interesting tidbit was hidden in the game, which directly praises Kojima Productions and calls the Metal Gear Survive producer Yuji Korekado “cunning”, and the game’s director, Yota Tsutsumizaki, a “bastard”.


“Look at this little tidbit hidden in Metal Gear Survive by a dev”, Whitaker writes on his Twitter.

““Kojima Productions Forever” and calling director a bastard and the producer cunning.”

We wonder whether this ‘interesting’ hidden message will be patched out through a future update.

Metal Gear Survive is available now for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Another interesting tidbit about the title is that players apparently have to pay $10 USD for an additional save slot.