Video game developer Bungie and publisher Activision have announced that they are launching a new major update for their recently released Destiny, which is designed to enhance stability for all those who are playing the social shooter and to improve the balance for end game content.

According to the official announcement, a number of Zebra error codes have been eliminated and rare issues with logins have also been dealt with. Moreover, a Kick to Orbit that was reported using a Cockatoo error code has been resolved.

Bungie also says that gamers now have more protection against corruption, although it is unclear exactly what the studio is referring to, and it adds that it has "fixed an issue where some players would occasionally be erroneously kicked at the beginning of an activity due to a server error."

For the end game raids in Destiny, the team has also fixed a problem which caused Atheon not to choose random targets for the teleport in the Vault of Glass and a bug which allowed crafty gamers to basically force the boss off his platform.

Destiny will continue to get updates before The Dark Below launches

Bungie has been pledging to deliver constant updates based on feedback coming from the community to its shooter, and the team is ready to offer some specifics on the changes that are being worked on at the moment.

It states, "More updates are to follow as we continue to support Destiny. Future enhancements being worked on include Exotic Weapon tuning, new features for voice communication between matchmade teammates, and the ability to hold more Bounties in your pocket at any time."

It's unclear when a new patch will be deployed, but gamers will get more details on the Twitter account and the official site and they can continue to offer their own feedback on the forums.

At the moment, Bungie is also working on The Dark Below, the first full expansion which is expected to be offered before the end of the year on all platforms.

Gamers who get it will be able to explore new areas and battle new bosses in order to get more items and expand the power of their characters.

Another major expansion is supposed to be delivered in the middle of 2015 in order to make sure that the community stays engaged with Destiny in the long term and allows Bungie to fulfill its promise to create a universe that will exist for at least ten years.