Tabletop games can be great fun, but they can also be a pain to play. They often have all kinds of easy-to-lose parts and require lots of time to set up. For many of them, you also have to gather a group of friends together, which isn't always easy. Digital versions of tabletop games can eliminate nearly all of these hurtles. And thanks to a new Humble Bundle, right now you can get a bunch of tabletop games on Steam and Android for cheap.

The latest bundle, which lasts through September 11, packages together seven tabletop games, plus a number of expansions. You have the option to buy in at three tiers, ranging from $1 to $10. One dollar gets you the first tier of games. It includes a digital version of the train board game Ticket to Ride, along with the Android version. It also comes with Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game, its Android counterpart, and Sentinels of the Multiverse.

Pay more than average, and you get those games along with the second tier. This includes the tile-laying game Carcassonne, the card game Pathfinder Adventures, and the fantasy board game Talisman (including the Android version of the latter). It also comes with expansions for Talisman and Sentinels of the Multiverse. For $10, you get all previous games, plus the fantasy card and board game Armello.

Buying the Humble Bundle also gets you 10% off a subscription to Humble Monthly, a program that gets you an assortment of mystery games each month. Subscribing to September's Humble Monthly gets you instant access to Rise of the Tomb Raider or a trio of other games, with more titles to be revealed soon.

You'll save some nice cash no matter which tier you choose to buy in on. You can visit the Humble Bundle page for more information.

Pay $1
Ticket to Ride: Complete Bundle (plus Android edition)
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game (plus Android edition)

Pay More Than Average
Pathfinder Adventures
Carcassonne: Tiles and Tactics
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Shattered Timelines
Talisman: Digital Edition (plus Android edition)
Talisman - The Highland Expansion (plus Android edition)
Taliman - The Dungeon Expansion (plus Android edition)

Pay $10