On this week's episode of "The Walking Dead" we finally linked back to the end of "Internment", with The Governor (David Morrissey) watching Rick and Carl from the shadows outside the Prison. But first, some serious s**t went down:

Fans of the comic book "The Walking Dead" was based on, we could hear your excited yelps for miles during that last shot before the opening credits. As The Governor continues to push his chess metaphors to young Megan ("You can't think forever, sooner or later you've got to make a move") the camera pulls out, and next to "Brian Harriet:" a tank. In the books this leads to some huge moments and massive destruction, and is probably the most iconic image in the book's 116 issues. Hence, yelping.

House Of 1000 Metaphors
On a supply mission with Martinez (formerly his second in charge in the Woodbury days), The Governor passes by dead bodies with their heads missing, and the following signs around their necks: "Liar;" "Rapist;" and "Murderer." Inside of a cabin, they find two zombies, a young girl, and the dead owner's wife; as well as a pile of still living severed heads. We're having a hard time figuring out who, exactly, all of these disparate elements form a proper picture for. Could it be symbols for Martinez's former life? No, that's not quite right. Rick's? We swear it'll come to us eventually.