SPOILER WARNING: The following article contains minor spoilers for Doctor Strange. If you do not wish to know any details about the movie before seeing it, please click away to another one of our wonderful articles!

It will come as no surprise to most of you that Stan Lee has a cameo in the upcoming Doctor Strange. After all, the guy has appeared in every Marvel Studios film so far, and we expect to see him in all of the ones coming out in the next few years. What is newsworthy, however, is exactly what it is that the Marvel co-founder will be doing in the new fantasy epic -- and last night we got a special early look at his role.

Last night, Marvel Studios hosted special 15-minute long IMAX previews of Doctor Strange around the country, and it was within this footage that fans got a sneak peek at Stan Lee's latest cameo. Judging from the order in which things were shown, it looks like his scene comes during the movie's third act, specifically as Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) are facing off against the film's central villain in a New York City that appears to be folding in on itself. As Strange and Mordo rush to stop what's going on, they find themselves repeatedly thrown off by shifts in gravity, which sends them sprawling. One such incident finds them fall right on to the side of a bus -- where Stan Lee is sitting as a passenger, laughing as he reads a copy of "The Doors Of Perception" by Aldous Huxley (a trippy book about the author's experience using Mescaline one sunny afternoon in West Hollywood).

It's a fantastically funny moment that got the entire audience at the Doctor Strange IMAX preview laughing -- and I'm willing to bet that you'll be feeling the same way when you get to watch the Stan Lee cameo for yourself.

While you wait, you can indulge in this 10+ minute video, which features just about every single Stan Lee cameo dating back to the TV Movie The Trail Of The Incredible Hulk (with the exception being X-Men: Apocalypse):

You'll be able to see Stan Lee's Doctor Strange cameo when the movie hits theaters on November 4th -- and in the meantime, stay tuned for our full footage recap of the IMAX preview event!