Zack Snyder has confirmed that the Joker murdered Dick Grayson, not Jason Todd, in the unofficially titled DCEU. Ever since the scene of Robin's armor appeared in the trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans have speculated which version of Robin was killed by the Joker.

While Lex Luthor and Doomsday were the big villains in Batman V Superman, the Joker was teased in order to get fans excited for Suicide Squad. Robin was also teased in the film, however, it was never explicitly stated which version of Robin existed in the DCEU, at least not in-universe. WB did inadvertently confirm that Jason Todd was the dead Robin in Batman V Superman. But it seems like that might have been a mistake.

Zack Snyder confirmed on Vero (via ComicBook Debate) that the Joker had killed Dick Grayson - the first Robin - not Jason Todd. The scene in question comes when Bruce Wayne walks by Robin's armor which is spray-painted with the words, "Hahaha joke's on you Batman." Snyder previously teased Robin's true identity, thus leading to speculation that Grayson was the one who actually died, and now that much is confirmed. When a fan captioned a Suicide Squad deleted scene by saying "Batman to Harley (Suicide Squad, Deleted Scene)... Jason?," Snyder corrected the fan by simply saying "Richard." It was also revealed that Snyder intended to have Carrie Kelley be the next Robin in the DCEU.

There is no doubt that Warner Bros. has had a rough time getting the DCEU off the ground. Marvel has dominated the box office the past decade with dozens of superhero movies in their cinematic universe. DC attempted to launch their own cinematic universe with Man of Steel back in 2013, but since then they have had a hard time winning over not only critics but some comic book fans as well.

While many mysteries remain unsolved in the DC movie universe, fans can close the case on this one about Robin. Matt Reeves is still set to direct The Batman and it is unknown if he will tackle the task of including Robin in the movie. Plus, it's also unclear what this means - or would've meant, if Snyder was still overseeing the DCEU - for DC's Nightwing movie, which is still in development. Snyder's brief comment surely opens the stage up for questions regarding what happened to Dick Grayson and why it wasn't Jason Todd who died; it's a significant departure from the source material, after all.