Everything about Logan's marketing has sold the movie as a hard-R, brutal and vicious story from the pages of Wolverine's bloody history. The latest trailer, which Fox just delivered, continues along those lines, showing Hugh Jackman -- in his final stint as Wolverine -- ripping through soldiers in his trademark berserker rage, and introducing a new, lethal character in Laura (Dafne Keen), who comic fans will recognize as X-23. And yet, there's a beat in this new trailer that differs from the final movie, that I think the studio changed because it's NSFW.

This will contain a very mild spoiler for Logan.

A few weeks back, I was lucky enough to attend a footage presentation for Logan, where James Mangold showed us 40 minutes of the finished film. Without getting into any spoilers, the scene where part-cyborg Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook) shows up looking for Laura is on the opening half of the film, and X-23 easily dispatches with Pierce's army or armed thugs. Only, in this moment, X-23 doesn't drop a pair of handcuffs...

... it's a dude's severed head. Similar to how it plays out in this trailer, you hear gun fire, and screams. You assume that the men are handling little Laura. Only, the girl walks out holding the head of one of the men Pierce sent into the warehouse to apprehend her. And she casually drops it on the floor so that the bloody head can roll towards Pierce and his men.

Here, watch the Logan trailer in full again. It's incredibly badass, even with that moment softened for audience consumption.

In Logan, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Charles (Patrick Stewart) are the sole survivors of a mutant disappearance -- occupying a dismal, not-so-distant future where their kind struggles to survive. When a young girl seeking assistance lands in their lap, the two former heroes regain their courage to fight and reluctantly come to the aid of the girl who'll soon become X-23.

The new trailer again hints at the adult nature of Logan. And based on the footage that I witnessed, this will be the grittiest, most grounded feature in the Fox family of mutant movies. And it's not just the blood. I'm pretty sure Wolverine drops a dozen F-bombs in the opening scene, alone. It's refreshing to finally hear our favorite blue-languaged mutant free of MPAA restrictions!

Logan opens in theaters on March 3. Also, we actually have an amazing opportunity for CinemaBlend readers, and Wolverine fans. We are running a contest for ONE lucky fan to come to New York with us to interview Hugh Jackman on behalf of Logan. The details on the contest are here, so click and find out of you qualify.