Torrent Invites! Buy, Trade, Sell Or Find Free Invites, For EVERY Private Tracker!, BTN, PTP, MTV, Empornium, Orpheus, Bibliotik, RED, IPT, TL, PHD etc!

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Forum: Requests

Maybe someone is kind enough to give you an invite. ONLY one request per user is allowed (Donors may open up to 5 request threads).

  1.   Sticky Threads  

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 17,204
    08-13-2013 Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 14,762
    05-06-2011 Go to last post
  2.   Normal Threads  

  1. [REQ]

    Started by getdirty, 02-06-2018
    account, accounts, apl, apollo,, download, free, free accounts, free invites, have, invite, invites, ios, music, music tracker, private trackers, req, requests, torrents, tracker, trackers, user, xanax,
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 703
    02-16-2018 Go to last post
  2. Not approved request!

    Started by sudopromptDonor Icon, 02-14-2018
    accounts, bitspyder, books, download, e learning, e-books, e-learning, ebooks, elearning, exchange, have, help, invite, invites, magazines, newspapers, private trackers, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 444
    02-14-2018 Go to last post
  3. [Req] Bibliotik

    Started by Quicksolve, 01-29-2018
    accounts, bibliotik, books, download, e learning, e-books, e-learning, ebooks, elearning, free, free accounts, free invites, have, invite, invites, magazines, newspapers, private trackers, req, requests, torrents, trackers
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,198
    02-11-2018 Go to last post
  4. Moved: Not approved request!

    Started by bens2017, 02-11-2018
    accounts, download, ds, free, free accounts, free invites, ga, give away, giveaway, hd, invitation, invites, private trackers, sporthd,, torrents, trackers
  5. Cool Not approved request!

    Started by bens2017, 02-11-2018
    accounts, download, ds, exchange, free, free accounts, free invites, ga, give away, giveaway, have, hd, invitation, invites, private trackers, sporthd,, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 788
    02-11-2018 Go to last post
  6. Not approved request

    Started by fmeo42, 02-05-2018
    accounts, bitme,, books, download, e learning, e-books, e-learning, ebooks, elearning, exchange, have, help, invite, invites, magazines, newspapers, private trackers, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,013
    02-05-2018 Go to last post
  7. Not approved request

    Started by mansy201441, 02-04-2018
    accounts,, broadcasthenet, btn, download, download episodes, download movies, download tv shows, episodes, free, free accounts, free invites, free movies, ga, give away, giveaway, help, invite, invites, pass the popcorn, passthepopcorn,, private trackers, problem, ptp, ratio-free, ratio-less, ratioless, ratioless trackers, request, torrents, trackers, tv, tv shows, tv trackers, want
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 643
    02-04-2018 Go to last post
  8. [REQ] BakaBT

    Started by XerceseDonor Icon, 02-01-2018
    accounts, bakabt, download, free, free accounts, free invites, invite, invites, private trackers, req, requests, torrents, trackers
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,267
    02-02-2018 Go to last post
  9. Not approved request

    Started by jkbutt, 01-30-2018
    accounts, cd, desi, download, exchange, free, free accounts, free invites, have, hd, invites, private trackers, req, request, requests, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 474
    01-30-2018 Go to last post
  10. Not approved request

    Started by peaking, 01-29-2018
    accounts, download, exchange, free, free accounts, free invites, gay, gay-torrents,, have, invite, invites, private trackers, req, request, requests, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 994
    01-29-2018 Go to last post
  11. Cool Not approved request

    Started by peaking, 01-29-2018
    accounts, download, exchange, free, free accounts, free invites, gay, gay-torrents, have, invite, invites, private trackers, req, request, requests, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 795
    01-29-2018 Go to last post
  12. [Req] learnflakes

    Started by CtrlShift, 01-14-2018
    accounts, download, free, free accounts, free invites, invite, invites, learnflakes, private trackers, req, requests, torrents, tracker, trackers
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 566
    01-24-2018 Go to last post
  13. not approved request

    Started by torrentgab, 01-24-2018
    accounts, applications, apps, download, download applications, download apps, download episodes, download movies, download porn, download software, download xxx, exchange, free, free accounts, free invites, free movies, games, general, have, invites, ipt, iptorrents, porn, private trackers, req, request, requests, software, torrent leech, torrentleech,, torrents, trackers, trade, trusted, tv, tv shows, want, xxx, xxx trackers
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 423
    01-24-2018 Go to last post
  14. [req] shazbat

    Started by ginmi, 01-21-2018
    accounts, download, free, free accounts, free invites, help, invites, private trackers, req, requests, shazbat, torrents, tracker, trackers
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 418
    01-21-2018 Go to last post
  15. [req]btn

    Started by JTi2018, 01-17-2018
    accounts,, broadcasthenet, btn, download, download episodes, download tv shows, episodes, free, free accounts, free invites, have, invite, invites, private trackers, ratio-free, ratio-less, ratioless, ratioless trackers, req, requests, torrents, trackers, tv, tv shows, tv trackers
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 684
    01-17-2018 Go to last post
  16. HDhome

    Started by RhiHivenDonor Icon, 01-10-2018
    accounts, download, free, free accounts, free invites, hdhome, invite, invites, open, private trackers, req, request, requests, torrents, trackers
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 675
    01-16-2018 Go to last post
  17. [REQ] CHDBits

    Started by nJoY, 01-14-2018
    1080p, 720p, accounts, chd, chdbits,, download, download hd, download movies, ff, free, free accounts, free invites, free movies, hd, hd content, hd movies, hd quality, hd torrents, hd trackers, high definition, highdefinition, invite, invites, private trackers, req, requests, torrents, trackers
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 465
    01-14-2018 Go to last post
  18. Not Approved Request!

    Started by gygyx, 01-12-2018
    accounts, chattchitto, code, download, free, free accounts, free invites, ga, give away, giveaway, invites, private trackers, req, request, requests, torrents, trackers, unlimited
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 451
    01-12-2018 Go to last post
  19. Wink Not approved request

    Started by dascarcie467, 01-11-2018
    account, accounts, anime, animebytes, bakabt, cartoons, code, comics, download, free, free accounts, free invites, ga, give away, giveaway, have, help, invite, invites, private trackers, req, request, requests, software, torrent, torrents, trackers, unlimited, user
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 529
    01-11-2018 Go to last post
  20. UK TV Tracker

    Started by tfisherDonor Icon, 01-07-2018
    accounts, bitspyder, books, cinemageddon, download, download movies, e learning, e-books, e-learning, ebooks, elearning, free, free accounts, free invites, free movies, have, help, invite, invites, magazines, newspapers, private trackers, req, requests, scenetime, torrents, tracker, trackers, tv, tv tracker
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 754
    01-07-2018 Go to last post


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