Tracker Name: TSH
Genre: General
Sign-up link:
Closing date: SOON
Additional information: TSH is one of the best and coolest general ratioless scene/0day tracker.

This tracker has a very steady userbase and many torrents. The tracker is ratioless and pre times are very good. They have a wide section of categories and the browsing page has many new features and it's very easy to search for content with many easy-to-find browsing options.

This tracker is a very good content and a nice community. Pre times excellent and many seeders are there for each torrent. They have an autobot for all important sections and the pre times are really good. Staff is nice and you will find a lot of content there. The site layout is clean and nice with no ads and other annoying stuff.

Ratio system:

Will have no ratio rules. This means no Upload counted, no download counted, and no hit'n'run rules.

We would also like to point out that in removing the ratio rules from the site we will Not be storing any Torrent history at all, this information is auto deleted after 24 hours. There will be no trace of what you have downloaded. Due to this we will have no control over what you seed and what you don't seed and so therefore will have to rely on your good hearts to seed as long as possible for the other users. We are hopeful with no history of your activities here it will encourage people to create more of a community.

In the coming weeks we plan on implementing extra security features that have never been done before, that would make us a little revolution in the Torrenting world. Access to these extra features would only be available via donating, or activity in the forums, or a combination of both.

Userclasses Alterations:

Newbie - The default of all new users
Active Member - 100GB Upload or 50 Forum Posts + 2 weeks Membership.
Family Member - 500GB Upload or 250 Forum Posts + 12 weeks Membership.
Elite - 1.5TB (1500GB) Upload or 750 Forum Posts + 1 Year Membership.
TorrentShack Addict - 4TB (4000GB) Upload or1,500 Forum Posts + 1.5 years Membership.