Tracker Name: Torrent-Seed
Genre: General
Sign-up link:
Closing date: N/A
Additional information: Spanish Private Tracker for HD / DVD-R MOVIES / TV

We have total 1,471 (1 Internal, 0 External) registered torrent(s) on our Tracker which has been completed 3,047 time(s)
We have total 1,007 dead torrent(s) which have no seeder/leecher.
We have total 232 user(s) who have under 1.0 global share ratio.
There are total 485 internal seeder(s), 0 external seeder(s) and 3 internal leecher(s), 0 external seeder(s) (Total Internal Peer(s): 488, Total External Peer(s): 0)
Global Internal Transfer Amounts: Total Uploaded: 771.13 TB / Total Downloaded: 10.44 TB