Tracker's Name: savetheprincess
Genre: Games
Sign-up Link:
Closing date: Ν/Α
Review's Link: SaveThePrincess I STP I Games I 2014 Review
Additional information: Has the lost of bitgamer and underground gamer got you down? Are you tired of being told bcg is coming back "soon"? Do some other sites just make you go meh when you look at the layou? Do you hate having to worry about a ratio or just think a ratio is pointless overall? and do you LOVE gaming? well do I got a place for you! A few former staff members from bcg got together after bcg went down and in the meantime has come out with there very own ratio free gaming tracker. This is meant to be a community based place. This tracker is still new as it just recently launched. This tracker is not being aimed as a "collector" site. it is meant to bring people together and share whatever gaming material they have, INCLUDING hentai and other adult games. (note,this category is locked to a certain member class...). They allow any content no matter the origion., cause sharing is careing