Tracker Name: ExiTorrent
Genre: General
Sign-up link:
Additional information: Statistics
Limit users: 5000
Registered users 4,024
No confirmed userów: 9
Banned users : 360
With lock download : 33
User warning : 18
Members of the cup : 89
Leeches (Peers): 15
Men: 3,019
Women: 316
Exi Lady: 107
Donors: 87
Torrents: 5,893
Torrents without seeda (dead): 563
Seeds (sending): 13,632
Peers (Toll): 200
Peers: 13,832
Peers are not available: 5,573
Downloaded (without Free): 289.38 TB
Posted on: 2,374.64 TB
Downloaded (Snatched): 368.33 TB
Sent (Snatched): 299.08 TB
Total downloaded / sent: 2,664.02 TB
S / L: 6816