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Additional information: I love movies very much. pt has been playing for many years. I registered a station, played for two years, and registered for one station to play for two years. In order to prevent the station, I now have more than a dozen pt station accounts. I think a lot of people are like me, so I gave my station a name called "prepared tires".
I really want to get one myself. I finally got the courage. I found a group of people, got a bunch of equipment, prepared for 2 months, and finally started. It is expected to start on July 1 and test in June for one month.
The content is mainly the original, 1080, 720, there will be a mobile version later.
I understand a lot of people's attitude towards a new station. Please be assured that you have already opened the bow and you have no turning back.

A new site, a comprehensive site, the NexusPHP framework, has its own suppression group - BeiTai, which seems to have the original beAst group of encoders added.
Registered address:
At present, the whole station is free, the registration does not verify the mailbox, and it is on the train.
