OnlineSelfEducation | OSE | E-Learning | 2018 Review

Tracker Name OnlineSelfEducation
Tracker URL
Tracker Genre E-Learning
Tracker Type Ratio
Bonus System No
Seed Difficulty Medium
Tracker Signup Closed / Invites Only
Banned Countries None
Traker Irc No


OnlineSelfEducation is a torrent tracker specializing in E-Learning content.
On this site you can find electronic books, mp3 files and video clips on the following topics: Sales / Marketing, Recruitment / Interviewing, Magazines, Mindset / Achievement, Consulting, Miscellaneous / Software, Negotiation / Contracts, TTC Lectures, Corporate Design & Branding etc.
The site can be accessed by an invitation from a member, but in order to have full rights in downloading the content, an amount of money has to be paid $32 for 3 month-Renewed Manually. Contact Staff once it expires

The site has some basic rules after you get premium membership, including:
- No Hit and Run. Each torrent must be seeded as much as you can. You risk losing your download ability if you don't seed back. Look at the top of the page where it says [HnR] for hit and run (torrents downloaded without proper seeding.)
- Download Only what you can use Now. There is a 3 Max torrents/Day limit, yet, you shouldn't use them all.
- Once you join the premium membership, you will have to continue it endlessly. If you decide to not continue, your account will be automatically disabled. If you decide to re-enable it at a later time, you'll have to pay for all the previous days you haven't paid for.









Speed 6/10
Content 6/10
Community 5/10
Overall 5.6/10