
Tracker URL: Here

Signup URL: Here

Tracker Type: General

Tracker Birthday: 16/09/2007

BTNext is one of the biggest Portuguese trackers. Despite having 16/09/2007 as its birthday, BTNext is well known of the Portuguese public. All because it is a rough substitution of Btuga, a Portuguese tracker that was closed by justice. However, the design, the torrent client and the community are almost the same. So, we can say that this tracker is almost continuously active since 2003.

The tracker itself has the particularity of only allow Portuguese IPs. It happens because here in Portugal some ISP provide a small plafond of bandwidth to spend in international traffic. As an example, my first ISP only allowed me to download 1GB/mounth from international IP's. That's why BTNext/Btuga was so popular few years ago.

However, times change, and now almost every portuguese ISPs offer some way to have unlimeted bandwidth, and so, the popularity of BTNext decreased a little.

Nevertheless, it keeps being a very good general tracker, and it can be excellent if you are looking for specific portuguese stuff, like music or tv shows. This is the trackers great advantage.

Obviously there is the many others traditional torrents to download, the pre-time isn't that bad and the speed is great, but BTNext insists in using is own program to download the torrents. This solution, in my case, makes that I can't use BTNext while logged in Ubuntu, my main OS. Whenever i need specific BTNext content I need to log into windows to be able to. And even WINE cant solve the problem.



Example of Seach Page



As I said, we have to use a BTNext's own program to be able to download. Above you can see the page where you download it. Despite showing there Linux logo (TUX), all they offer is a small tutorial how to use BTNext with WINE.


Rules are explained and translated to english in the HOME image.

Bonus System

One of the biggest BTNext fails. No bonus system is implemented.

User Classes

No user classes specified either. Obviously there are Moderators, SuperModerator, Team Leaders, Admins and Gold Members. However, it isn't clear how you get a different user class.

Invite System

Users with ratio over 1 have 5 invites. Users with ratio over 5 have 15 invites. Sometimes invites are given to everyone by admins.

IRC System

BTNext has its channel at PTNet

I'm not an active user there, but as far as I know they have a BOT there that automatically shows new torrents that arrive to the tracker. There isn't much talk there too, but I think that that happens because less and less people is at IRC nowadays.

Donation System/ Page

Comment: I already said a lot about this tracker. To conclude, I have to say that despite some negative features, it is still one of the best portuguese tracker, and so, a must have to anyone who lives here and is in the torrent world

Overall Performance: 3/5
Speed: 4/5