DANISHBiTS | General | 2015 Review

Tracker Name: Danishbits.org
Tracker Genre: General
Tracker Type: Ratio Based
Bonus System: Yes
Tracker Birthday: 30th September 2011
Maintaining Ratio: Easy
Tracker Singup: Closed / Invite Only
Tracker URL: https://danishbits.org
Banned Countries: n/a
Tracker IRC: irc.danishbits.org:8080 #DBsupport #danishbits
IRC Bonus: n/a
Tracker's Twitter Account: n/a
Tracker's FaceBook Account: n/a


DanishBits is one of the biggest and active tracker in Denmark. Danishbits is very well known for their internal DVDR/HD enconding teams. Site it's also translated in English, so it won't be a problem for most of the users to use this tracker.

DanishBits has got good pretimes, very good speeds & great content with a large number of freeleech torrents and x2 upload.



Browse & Categories:

Bonus Points:

User Classes 'n Promotions:


General Rules:


Pretimes: 8/10
Speed: 9/10
Content: 10/10
Community: 8/10
Rarity: 5/10
Over All My Experience: 8/10