"With the recent news of Underground Gamer and GazzelleGames shutting down, it was a massive blow to the torrent gaming community. It seems that recent pressure from certain industry groups has taken it's toll.
Therefore, we have decided to resurrect bitGAMER as best we could in order to allow gamers to continue to have a home in order to share their torrents. I want to make it clear that this tracker has not been created by former bitGAMER staff, the last thing we want is for them to receive threats for something they have not done.

We are however looking for any previous bitGAMER staff that would like to resume their roles if they wish to, or previous experienced members."

bitGAMER is invite only. The only way to gain access is to request an invite in our IRC. irc.bigamer.ch (ports 6667, 6668, 6669, +6697)

Tracker Infomation

tracker name : bitGAMER.ch | bG
tracker genre : games
tracker URL : http://bitgamer.ch
tracker type : ratio based
seed bonus : YES!
sign-up status : close / invite only!

Tracker IRC :
Server : irc.bitgamer.ch 6667, 6668, 6669, +6697 (SSL, Preferred)
irc-chat.bitgamer.ch (Alternate)
Channel : #bitGAMER, #NoRules
IRC Bonus : NO!

Banned Countries :

Browse Categories :

Browse Pages :

Forum Pages :

Donation Pages :

Bonus Pages :

Rules Pages :

FAQ Pages :

Staff Pages :

Personal Rating For This Tracker :
Speed : 5/10
Content : 4/10
Community : 5/10
Pre-Time : 4/10
Ratio Maintaining : Easy
Overall Rating : 4/10