Google Translation:

Freeleech is enabled - Happy Birthday MyXZ!


Dear users, today marks 13 years since your beloved site is helping you to discover movies, tv-series, music
and games of the highest quality.

Firstly we would like to extend a warm thank you to our Staff who devotes daily time to make everything
possible, secondly we would like to thank the users who together with the Staff posts daily masterpieces of
the cinema, thirdly we want to thank to those of you who donate, you make the site accesible daily and not
least we would like to thank the users that visit our site, thank you all, so Happy Birthday to all of us! We
got to this moment only because of you, so we welcome you all to be happy along with us.

In this year, thanks to their hard work, we mananged to move most of the site to a new interface, so thank you
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So, let's open the champagne bottle and drink in honor of XtremeZone!

We are waiting you all here with your