Developer Updates

This is an important change for Gazelle coders. You may have noticed that gazelle/ is now redirecting to Gazelle by What.CD. This is due to the fact that we are now hosting our public Gazelle repository on GitHub. The old gazelle site had become severely outdated and a nuisance to maintain. Luckily for us, GitHub is the perfect solution. You can view our Gazelle repository here—it is accompanied by a GitHub page providing a brief overview of the project as well as a wiki with important information such as installation instructions, coding standards, and API documentation.

If you have Gazelle related questions, comments, or contributions, feel free to stop by the channel in IRC.

We're sure many of you have already noticed, but for those who have not, we have given our artist search autocomplete an overhaul, both visually and in the code. Furthermore, the autocomplete is now also available in many other places on the site, such as when filling out artist names on the upload form or adding tags to a torrent. Although a convenience to most, some users may find this addition gets in the way. If you find yourself among this group, feel free to disable it in your profile settings.

Do you have a suggestion for a place on the site that could benefit from a similar autocomplete mechanism? Make a suggestion here!

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