Happy New Year everyone and there is something new.

1. Invitations will be purchased by dynamic priced UCoin instead of seed bonus and mininum required class will be changed to Veteran User from Insane User from zero o'clock Jan 1st 2014 (UTC+8, hereinafter). There is a special offer of fixed 30000 UCoin for an invitation on the whole New Year's Day.
2. Exchange between forum currency and seed bonus will be ended from Jan 1st 2014.
3. Corrections in the RULES of U2 account section: "1. Parked accounts would be deleted if users have not logged in for more than 100400 days in a row."
4. New article in the RULES of upload: No matter how long lasts or corrected by yourself later, you should not take informally funny, ironic, approving, disapproving names, or anything waiting tsukkomi as the torrent title all or partly, otherwise you will get warned.
5. Torrent bumping application will be continued under the latest rules. Please check How to stick a torrent on the top | U2的置顶功能说明 for details and welcome your requests.
6. UCoins will be rewarded to those who registered before 2013 and attended on over 98% days of 2013 by this formula: Ceil[36500 * RoundedPercentage(Attendance Coverage Ratio,2)%]. List will be posted at forum soon. Redeemption will be done before Jan 7th 2014.