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Post By whiteLight
Post By whiteLight
Torrentzilla.org News
The IRC server is back on irc.torrentzilla.org
By the way We are still open!
Torrentzilla Staff!
New user
I'm trying to log into my TorrentZilla account but I just get a page with Torrentzilla.org at the top some greater than and less than symbols in the middle and a single link to "Privacy Policy" at the bottom and nothing else. Do you know what gives? Thanks
Originally Posted by
The IRC server is back on irc.torrentzilla.org
By the way We are still open!
Torrentzilla Staff!
This tracker exists?take this page
New user
Thanks for responding. I know it exists (Not sure if you're saying that or if you're asking that because of the question mark) but as I said when I go to the page I've always used to log in I just get a null page. No links to go anywhere and no information as to why. I'm actually using the same link I've always used to log into the site. I've tried it from several different IPs in case my VPN has been blacklisted but to no avail. I used a bunch of different sites that tell you if the site is down or not and some of them say it's down and some say it's up so I really don't know which it is all I know is "I" can't seem to get onto the site.
@TraderBoss , @DH888
This news Thread is from 2 years ago..http://torrentzilla.org/ doesn't exist anymore!!
Yes ! TorrentZilla went DOWN #SAD
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