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Post By jimmy7
TorrenTech News
Psytrance netlabel logo competition, 500 EUR in Bitcoin for the winner
Hello Torrentech crew!
It's been quite some time that I plan on starting a psytrance netlabel and possibly a booking agency and production studio focused on darkpsy, night full-on and forest styles. All the releases would be distributed for free through as many channels as possible, as this is the most effective way to promote quality works.
What I need is a logo. The idea how should it look is right there in my mind, but I can't say I'm skilled enough to actually make it look good and professional.
So I will award 500 EUR worth of Bitcoin to designer who manages to output a logo which I like the most. The logo should be vector based, done as professionally as it can be, and here it how it should look:
It's a human skull with headphones, viewed from half-profile and little bit elevated view. Skull should be smiling but not in excessive manner - it's more of a deeply satisfied and content expression. Also some kind of lines around earcushions should represent sound coming from them. Should be colored, but not too much and special attention should be paid while picking the colors so they can be tattooed.
So it's possible tattoo also and you may realise how important is to me that it looks perfect, thus I cannot guarantee I will pick something among designs I receive. The deadline is the moment I received the perfected logo from someone, I will possibly have some suggestions on improving it.
I won't reveal the name of netlabel now, but it is required that the name is added to logo afterward I accept the final design and before award is given.
You can send logo to xxxxx.
Last edited by masonos; 08-07-2017 at 09:21 AM.
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