Mediainfo BBCode [Attention Uploaders]


We've added a freshly cooked
BBCode to the site called "Mediainfo". This BBCode is basically a Mediainfo parser which is coded to show only the required information from raw Mediainfo. So, you don't have to see a long messy description anymore or search for a 3rd party parser.

Here is an example:


We would like to request all the
existing & new uploaders of TorrentBD to use the "Mediainfo" BBCode while uploading any torrents of certain categories that require media information.

We'll push an update to our upload page tonight with various new features, including mandatory use of Mediainfo BBCode. So kindly update your templates accordingly.

Now, we understand that some of the regular uploaders feel more comfortable using their own custom or team templates. In that case, they can use their custom templates & put the [mediainfo] BBCode with raw data inside the Spoiler tag.

If you don't know how to get raw Mediainfo of a file, follow this guide: