GB - Astrology Books Series by Martha Lang-Wescott - Complete Set
Welcome to the Wonderful

World of Martha Lang Wescott

Martha Lang-Wescott is one of the finest living astrologers. She is bright and intense and uses whatever comes to hand. She found asteroids enhanced her chart reading, so she found lots of them, but she also uses Transneptunians, derivative angles, the 90 degree dial, progressed solar returns and lots and lots more.

MECHANICS OF THE FUTURE: ASTEROIDS - Martha Lang-Wescott, $29.95

Contents: Introduction; On the Revised Edition; Chart interpretation
1. Brains are quite practical learning machines: Motivation, keywords, getting started, asteroid-planet affinities, asteroid-subject reference index, practice data, natal chart & sample delineations, solving the aspect problem: aspect configurations, 15 degree event wheel, midpoint structures, aspect pattern analysis & the 360 degree aspect & midpoint wheel
2. Time laughs if we think it moves: Asteroids in predictive systems & interpretive techniques including: Eclipses, directions, return charts, event dialogues, diurnal charts, composite & relationship charts, declination & 90 degree dials with midpoint structures. Each system is illustrated by chart example with delineations & includes coverage of angles (natal & return chart), interceptions, retrogrades, parallels, contraparallels, precession, relocation, derivative angles, eastpoint & vertex
3. Monday mornings, Friday afternoons: Delineations of the included asteroids in aspect to angles, planets, luminaries, transneptunian points & other asteroids
Appendix: Keywords for the transneptunian points, estimate ephemeris for the transneptunians: 1910-2005, suggested reading & sources, Index.

THE ORDERS OF LIGHT: Planets, Transneptunians, Asteroids - Martha Lang-Wescott, $25.00

Contents: Foreword
Reflections of the Real: An interim model, orders in the natal chart, orders in natal 90 degree dial techniques, orders in return charts, progression of solar return angles, predictive techniques with 90 degree dials
Shadows & Drums: Angle & aspect delineation: Planet & transneptunian points
Echoes & Flutes: Constructs & aspects of the asteroids: Aesculapia/Hygiea, Amor, Apollo, Arachne, Astraea, Atlantis, Atropos, Bacchus, Ceres, Chiron, Circe, Cupido-A, Demeter, Diana, Eros, Hebe, Hera/Juno, Hildago, Hopi, Hybris, Hygiea, Icarus, Isis, Kassandra, Klotho, Lachesis, Lilith, Minerva/Pallas, Nemesis, Niobe, Odysseus, Orpheus, Panacea, Pandora, Persephone/Prosperina, Psyche, Sappho, Sisyphus, Siva/Siwa, Sphinx, Terpsichore, Toro, Urania & Vesta

ARCHITECTS OF TIME - Martha Lang-Wescott, $26.00

Contents: Foreword; Time
Solar Revolutions: Techniques based on the sun: Date to 360 degree aspects, Table: Dates to aspect patterns, Date to 90 degree dial points, Interpreting dial harmonic patterns, Date harmonics, Date & behavior harmonics in synastry, Dial harmonics: Davison relationship chart, Dial dates: Solar return angles & moons, Table: Date to degree dial harmonics, Timing with solar return angles & moons, Timing: Solar arc & solar returns, Timing: Calculation of solar return directions, Timing: Dial axis cycle dates per 1.25 DPR, Timing with "returns" of the solar return moon, The Winter Solstice chart, Delineation of personal point midpoints, Sun/sun midpoints & the 45 degree dial. Lunar Returns: Timing & delineation, Gary Gilmore: Events of January 16-17, 1977, Lunar return angles & 90 degree dials, Lunar return angles & dial formulas, Midpoint sums, formulas & differences, Midpoints, sums & formulas in practice, Delineation of formulas. Carpe Diem: Sieze the day! Daily angles, Degrees with sidereal time & 42 latitude ASC's, Daily angle methods & delineation, Dial axis date series. Asteroid & Transneptunian Glyph & Concept Key

ANGLES AND PREDICTION - Martha Lang Wescott, $49.95

Factors included in this book:
Admetus, Aesculapia, Amor, Apollo, Apollon, Arachne, Aries Point, Astraea, Atlantis, Atropos, Bacchus, Ceres, Child, Chiron, Circe, Cupido, Cupido-A, Daedalus, Demeter, Diana, Eos, Eros, Eurydike, Hades, Hebe, Hekate, Hephaistos, Hera, Hildago, Hopi, House, Hybris, Hygiea, Industria, Icarus, Isis, Juno, Jupiter, Kassandra, Klotho, Kronos, Lachesis, Lilith, Mars, Memoria, Mercury, Minerva, Mnemosyne, Moon, Nemesis, Neptune, Niobe, Node, Nostalgia, Odysseus, Ophelia, Ornamentia, Orpheus, Pallas, Panacea, Pandora, Persephone, Phaethom, Photographia, Pluto, Poseidon, Prosperina, Psyche, Pythia, Requiem, Sappho, Saturn, Sisyphus, Siva, Siwa, Sphinx, Sun, Tantalus, Terpsichore, Tisiphone, Toro, Urania, Uranus, Venus, Vesta, Vulcanus, Zeus

(87 factors in all!)

THE ASTROLOGY OF THE BRAIN - Martha Lang-Wescott, $39.95

DERIVATIVE ANGLES - Martha Lang-Wescott, $14.00

Contents: Foreword: Basis for multiple angles; The traditional ascendant; Example chart - Adolph Hitler; The eastpoint as ascendant; The antivertex as ascendant; Eastpoint - theory and practice overview; House placement of the adjutant ascendants; Intercepted adjutant angles; Your new ascendants (preliminary practice; The derivative midheavens; The EMC as a derivative midheaven; The MVX as a derivative midheaven; Assessment of the cumulative effect; Derivative midheavens - theory and practice overview; Dial techniques with adjutant and derivative angles;

PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR: ASTEROIDS - Martha Lang-Wescott, $23.00

A brief overview of some 64 asteroids. Martha gives the essence of each, though does not go into detail about signs, houses & aspects. In the back of the book are rules for making & defining Formulas, such as Sun + Neptune

•EDIT At the request of participants, we are now including the following


•DIALS! DIALS! DIALS! - Martha Lang-Wescott, $23.95

•A COURSE IN RADIX 90 DEGREE DIAL TECHNIQUES - Martha Lang-Wescott, $49.95

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Total Cost - Approx $315 + S/H