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Post By jimmy7
TheGeeks.bz News
Recent Downtime:
If you tried to get on over the weekend or Monday, you may have noticed that you couldn't do so. Unfortunately, our network provider was on the receiving end of some shenanigans, and as part of their process of protecting things our network route got cut off. It took a little while, but we were able to work out the issue and get everything routed properly and accessible again. Although you wouldn't have been able to reach the servers, they had no actual downtime and all data is 100%. Everything should be good to go.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
During the last month, I had lots of troubles reaching this tracker. Sometimes it is reachable from my home connection and not from my VPS connection.
In a matter of fact, at the moment I am not able to reach it on both -> 'This site can’t be reached'.
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