Information PM
Good evening,

First of all Welcome to TheDarkCommunity, We are excited to have you all be part of our home. We are new and starting to build our content up, however this truly is not possible without the help of uplaoders.

We are looking for uploaders to upload content here that will be unique to TDC to help us stand out from everyone else, to help us keep users coming back visiting us.

Interested in helping us achieve this goal? send us a private message or use the ticket system to apply!

Internal release groups are welcome if they wish to make TDC their new home for their encodes as well.

Come join our discord server as well at

For those who use autodl-irssi or Autobrr, we have a file (still needs to be tested) and an IRC network running with announces, come check it out!

non-ssl: 6667
SSL: +6697
channels: #TDC & #Announce

TDC team