You may have noticed some rather interesting site activity recently including pages not loading or behaving badly. As it turns out the data from all of your seeding averages has grown significantly and caused some issues. As an immediate fix we have halved the maximum history of data we keep track of to six months. This will mean everyone's averages will fluctuate slightly but keep seeding and you'll be right.

Some happier news, we'd like to welcome Peska to our DoT team. He's really happy to be checking torrents, especially all the CAM/TS releases that are uploaded. PM him your favourite CAM/TS screenshots and he may send you a GB or so in return.

I'd also like to congratulate one of our moderators and HaB encoder, OnkelLars, on his 200th encode!

I've set the film, Buttcrack, free leech for any and all to enjoy.