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Post By Tulim
T411: Is the torrent site back at a new address?
The site T411 closed its doors a few weeks ago following a Franco-Swedish police operation, but all the administrators of the site, including the brain, had not been arrested. A new clone of the original site seems directly to be the heir, with new rules: functional torrents without tracker, no advertising, all with a catalog that begins to be provided. Too good to be true ?
In the wake of the closing of T411 we saw several clones appear - often the fact of scammers trying to surf the event. T411.si seems apparently different: the site that looks like two drops of water at the site of origin, welcomes the visitor with a long message in which he tries to register as heir of the departed site of sharing of torrents:
On June 26, 2017, the closing of site t411 entails the fall of what might be called a "temple of culture". Today, the community is taking over the torch and offering t411 a new start.The site has been rebuilt from scratch, and all the secondary features are not yet implemented, try to be indulgent with the team that works day and night on this project in order to remake t411 the essential platform of torrent francophone!We took the opportunity to make some transformations with the main goal of satisfying you: Optimized ergonomics with a more intuitive navigation, the removal of the ratio to allow everyone to download without restriction, the removal of intrusive advertisements
T411: Has the torrent site returned to a new address?
T411.is proposes to remove the trackers so that "no file is inaccessible in case of closing of the site". And to clarify that all the features of the site under construction are not yet available. The site opened four days ago, and is accompanied by a twitter account (@ t411_V2).
On the one hand, the lack of advertisements and the suppression of the ratio resembled the outcome of dissension that ran through the community of the old site . On the other hand, there is nothing, unfortunately, to confirm the connection between the fire T411 and this new copy. In addition, the catalog, if it seems functional, is significantly less supplied than the original.
And we must not forget that nature hates emptiness. There is therefore no guarantee that Le Staff will sign any relationship with the original T411 team. It is therefore possible that small smart people still try to surf the event like other sites (but being more smart). What to call the Internet users once again to the caution.
We also have information on T411.top : this clone has nothing to do with the original team of T411. According to an internal source we contacted, the T411 clone actually uses the torrent torrent catalog9. And tries to surf like so many others on the disappearance of T411.
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