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Post By Tulim
Post By r0umZ
T411: A First False Clone Has Emerged On The Web
T411 closed its doors last week , following a police operation jointly conducted by the French and Swedish authorities. The presumed administrators of the site were placed in detention, the same for the moderators of the French tracker. However, the closure does not seem to have had the expected effect, as a first clone has just opened its doors. However, caution is warranted.
Available at t411.as, this clone looks like two drops of water to the original and so it inherits its logo, its colors and even its ergonomics.
Far from being a simple empty shell, it also offers a large catalog of links pointing to countless torrent files.
T411: Watch out for clones!
Better still, the catalog in question consists of several musical works, but also animated, comic books, digital books, training, applications, series, documentaries, programs and films.
If we believe the information displayed, then it would seem that some of these files are shared by several hundred different people. The ratio does not seem to be bad.
Also, if some of these links go back to last week, some are much more recent.
Unfortunately for fans of the original and for the irreducible pirates, this clone is actually a simple smoke screen and it has absolutely nothing to do with T411. Indeed, its creators have simply launched it to highlight their streaming service, a service dubbed Eonsmedia.
It is actually enough to click on the connection button of the clone to be automatically returned to the site of this platform.
Do not enter your credentials anywhere!
According to the various information highlighted on this famous site, Eonsmedia would offer free and unlimited access to a vast collection of films and television series. Better, the service would not include any advertising and it would be available on most current platforms. Our PCs, of course, but also our mobile terminals, consoles and even our connected televisions.
Only flat, the site in question seems to hold more scam and it is obviously recommended not to enter your identifiers on it.
Does this mean that T411 is condemned to sink into oblivion?
Not necessarily. The site had an important community and it would not be surprising that it would eventually re-emerge from its ashes, exactly as was the case with Zone-Download.
After its closure, doubtful clones had indeed quickly emerged on the canvas, leaving a place for a new version of the site, a version still active at the moment.
Caution is required with this kind of site...
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