We have 1000+ users!

Thank you to all of you for being members of the site. As a thank you, all users will receive 2 invites and 10 FL tokens. In honor of the site continuing to grow and become more stable, it is time for a contest. This month our focus is on Science. All eligible uploads will be files that relate to science or are scientific in nature. This includes science related e-books (including sci-fi), science magazines (Both issues and packs), Science Journals, etc. (We don't anticipate Newspapers or Manuals being applicable to this contest, but if you think you have something, please send a staff PM)

The competition begins on May 1st and will end on May 31st. The winners will be announced in early June.

One change that is different about this contest is that all uploads for the contest will be Freeleech for 24 hours following their upload!

How it works:
Any torrent uploaded in the month of May that meets the criteria is automatically counted toward the contest. The points will depend on the type of content:


Magazine - 5 points
Journal - 3 points
Ebook - 1 point
Retail torrents will be subject to a x1.5 multiplier
Magazine Packs will be worth (number of issues) x 2.5
Journal Packs will be worth (number of issues) x 1.5

Points will be calculated automatically, but there is one thing you need to do:

In order for your upload to be counted, it must be tagged with "science.contest"!

This is in addition to the regular "science" tag if applicable.

All points will be tracked on leaderboard.php; this can also be seen on the right side of the front page. (We are still putting the finishing touches on the leaderboard, so it is not visible yet, but your uploads are still being counted.)

What kind of competition would this be without prizes?

1. VIP, 20GB upload, 3 invites, and freeleech on a torrent of your choice (must be below 1GB).
2. Custom title, 15GB upload, 2 invites, and freeleech on a torrent of your choice (must be below 1GB).
3. Custom title, 10GB upload, 1 invite
4. 10GB upload
5. 5GB upload

All users in the top 5 will also receive 5 FL tokens. One random person will win a free custom title.