A week ago, German authorities and piracy hunters struck a heavy blow against the illegal filesharing scene, because they could take the filehoster Share-Online.biz from the network. It was hoped for a deterrent effect and that was probably achieved.

The actions of the authorities, in which, among other things, raids have been carried out in the file sharing or warez scene much uncertainty and probably triggered fear. So there was after the announcement of the action against the German Filehoster many times the opinion that this will have little impact, since certainly soon someone will fill the gap thus created with an alternative offer.

"Hot Iron" Germany
But that does not seem to be confirmed yet. Because Germany is also for many Filehoster and scene pages from abroad more and more to hot, such as. a. shows the latest uploader lock from RapidGator. More than that, especially in Germany itself there is uncertainty and sometimes even naked panic, because no one wants to target the society for the prosecution of copyright infringement (GVU).

For example, Tarnkappe reports that HD-Area.org has now decided to pull the plug and that voluntarily. The German-speaking Warez portal has announced that in the "foreseeable future" will go off the net. One reason for the announcement was the fact that HD-Area.org lost the bulk of the linked content by seizing the servers of Share-Online.biz, as this was the primary address for uploads.

The operators of HD-Area.org explained the reasons with the end for Share-Online, "so we have also concluded that it is over now". It was said that the site is not abruptly disconnected from the network, but the server is still running, "until the rent is used up." Internet, Police, Filehoster, Filehosting, Gvu, one-click-hoster, sharehoster, 1-Click-Hoster, Confiscation, Share-Online.biz

(Google Translation)