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Post By Tulim
Seedboxes.cc - Service Incidents and Maintenance
Servers DRAGON, BASILISK, IMP, TRITON, IARA, LUTIN back online :: 2017-09-15 15:47:15 GMT
Status: Fixed
Migration on servers GORGON, ECHIDNA, BALIUS and NYMPH has been completed. All users on these servers need to check their new connection details in their client area. We have also sent an email to all of the affected users with instruction on the new platform changes.
Servers DRAGON, BASILISK, IMP, TRITON, IARA, LUTIN temporarily down :: 2017-09-15 13:31:01 GMT
Status: Watching
Servers DRAGON, BASILISK, IMP, TRITON, IARA, LUTIN will be temporarily down for 3-4 hours, in order to be migrated to our new platform. Once the migration is completed, we will update you again.
Servers ARION, TYPHON, TITAN, CHARYBDIS, MONTAUK, ALARICE, WRAITH back online :: 2017-09-14 13:19:26 GMT
Status: Fixed
Migration on servers ARION, TYPHON, TITAN, CHARYBDIS, MONTAUK, ALARICE, WRAITH has been completed. All users on these servers need to check their new connection details in their client area. We have also sent an email to all of the affected users with instruction on the new platform changes.
Servers ARION, TYPHON, TITAN, CHARYBDIS, MONTAUK, ALARICE, WRAITH temporarily down :: 2017-09-14 10:18:57 GMT
Status: Watching
Servers ARION, TYPHON, TITAN, CHARYBDIS, MONTAUK, ALARICE, WRAITH will be temporarily down for 3-4 hours, in order to be migrated to our new platform. Once the migration is completed, we will update you again.
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