Sticky Sunday!

Killer Queens (2002)

Not every ruthless leader in English history was a man as you will discover in this intriguing, 6-part documentary hosted by British writer, comedian and TV presenter, Rory McGrath (Bloody Britain). Spanning sixteen centuries, this series charts the lives of five notorious women who gained fame or repute for their willingness to fight, scheme and even die for their principles. From Boudicca's vengeful rebellion against the Romans in 43 A.D. to Lady Mary Bankes' courageous defense of Corfe Castle in 1643, Rory takes us on a fast-paced tour of southeast England to explore the history and motivations of these determined Killer Queens.

Zombies: A Living History (2011)

Most people believe zombies are a recent phenomenon that grew out of comic books, movies and TV. The truth is very different. This two-hour special explores the real story of zombies beginning at the dawn of civilization and continuing right through to today. The first written reference to zombies can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, mankind's oldest work of literature.