"The end of the road...
The past year has been excruciating. We have watched SCC suffer from various issues throughout the period. These past weeks have been the worst in our history. When we got raided in 2007, we were up within a few hours, but who would have thought we would become our own enemies.
We have always had a policy here at SCC, a very nice ground rule, never ever would we beg for donations. We laughed at other sites, "look at ***, another mass PM begging for donations, haha!".
The other day I answered some of you in a forum post about what was going on and I feel we owe it to the rest of the site as well. The past year, the low amount donations have been sucking our war chest dry. Last months donations was on an all time low, €245... This month we've had €90.
This is the end of the road for us. The lights will go out unless we meet our expected target. The donations bar has been brought back (it was removed because we felt it was embarrassing to watch it never fill up fully for over a year).
If we crush the target, we will be starting a migration to a newer source code and we will be putting contingencies in place, to make sure this never happens to us again.
As we stand now, we have NO money left to pay our bills and the lights WILL go out.
I've set my pride aside, now it is up to you if we will survive this crisis.
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