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Post By CappyTempo
RO: SacraCorona este un forum privat cu un design atractiv si cu un Bonus Shop remodelat (de ex. poti cumpara telefon mobil dar chiar si o masina, sau sa faci parte dintr-un clan) unde poti oferi invitatii dar sa si ceri pe trackerele mult visate cum ar fi TL, GFT, iTS, BTN, BitMeTV si asa mai departe. De asemenea avem un staff competent care te ajuta oricand (probleme uTorrent, probleme Trackere sau Software). Situl are si sectiunea de Trackers si Torrents dar si un forum unde te poti distra cu prietenii, forumul fiind in limba engleza. Daca vrei sa faci parte din aceasta comunitate inregistreaza-te aici:www.sacracorona.org/join.php
EN: SacraCorona is an private site with cool design, a brand new bonus shop (you can buy cool stuff like car, mobile phone or maybe join a family) where you can give invites or make a request for your dream tracker like TL, GFT, iTS, BTN, BitMeTV and so on. Also we have a competent staff that helps you anytime with your problems (uTorrent, Tracker or Software issues). Sacra Corona includes a Tracker List page, a Torrents Section and also a forum where you can chat with your friends, everything in english. If you want to join just click here: www.sacracorona.org/join.php
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