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Post By jimmy7
Post By Tulim
SACEM closes several trackers Français: 3 administrators arrested
Three administrators of trackers of films and pirated music were arrested by the Research Department of the Gendarmerie Nationale de Lille.
A few months ago, SACEM launched a series of counterfeit file trackers with a first discreet shutdown in February 2017. The target was " Le Paradis du Net ". The administrator had been arrested and taken into custody. He must be heard shortly by the judge. The latter had been carried as deceased. This close of groups warez preferred to be forgotten by making believe his death!
A month later, the Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers returned to the charge with two new pirate spaces: Rapidetracker and HD-Infinity. I learned that the directors were arrested this Thursday morning. The friends of breakfast, the gendarmes of the Cyber Research Section of Lille, were waking them in the area of Aire-sur-la-Lys and a little further in the Hauts de France. Men aged 25/30 years. Some married, father of family. They were taken into custody. The authorities seized their equipment, as well as the servers that served as storage space. [Box] machines housed in the region, at OVH.
The military discovered 1,000 music albums and over 10,000 movies that were shared. The sites made calls for donations. The money allowed to pay the servers and make a small monthly income. Rapid Tracker is a private tracker. At the beginning of March, the administrator had explained that he was shut down following a complaint from a competitor. In short, the Paradise of the net is not paved with good attentions in the small world of the warez.
thanks for your overall awesome works in the news team!
At the beginning of March, the administrator had explained that he was shut down following a complaint from a competitor.
Hmmm... I wonder who could have tipped the cops off? Hmm.....
Wow. That is terrible. That means there is someone out there out to build the "better" private tracker and is willing to jail his competitors. That is... Very disappointing. Same tactics used by the people we are trying to circumnavigate.
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