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Post By Tulim
RevolutionTT News
Now is a great time to fix those ratio's,
Build a great buffer
Or just because you love the site and want to contribute!
Any donation for upload credit is Counted x2.
For this to work Remember to choose the correct donation option.
*On the very bottom of the donate page on certain donation amounts, the credit multiplier has been increased!
*On your profile page, you can set the DISPLAY currency on the donate page! - All charges are in USD.
*Example: $28~ has 2.25x multiplier which would give you 112.5GB credit instead of the normal 50GB!
*Example: $56~ has 2.50x multiplier which would give you 250GB credit instead of the normal 100GB!
*Example: $110~ has 3.00x!! multiplier which would give you 600GB credit instead of the normal 200GB!
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