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Post By YusukeUramesh
PuntoTorrent News (Scary contest)
- The contest will be active from October 22 at 11:00 a.m. to November 6 at 11:59 p.m. , any raise made before or after that threshold will not count toward this initiative.
- All PT users (including those belonging to Groups) can participate.
- The sections that are included in the contest are DVD, XVID, HDRIP, HD, MICRO HD, 3D, OTHER FORMATS, MUSIC, EBOOKS and GAMES.
- Each upload will count as 1 point as long as it meets the rules of the section to which it belongs and appear as seed in the tracker (if you upload a complete series will add as many points as there are chapters).
- It is mandatory that each upload is announced in this thread by the uploader who made it indicating the link of it. That post will be put after the tracker sees you as seed, not before as it will not count.
- Of each section participating in the contest will be chosen 2 winners who will receive the following prizes:
-----------Position 1: 30 thousand points SeedBonus + 6 coins to choose + 2 invitations
-----------Position 2:15 thousand points SeedBonus + 3 coins to choose + 1 invitation
- If a user is in the top positions of 2 or more sections, the prize will NOT be cumulative.
- If there is a tie between 2 or more users in any of the 2 first positions, both will get the prize of the position in which they have drawn.
- Prizes are personal and non-transferable.
- You have until December 31 at 23:59 to request invitations ( note that these are lost if they are not used on the 31st of each month ).
- HD
- 3D
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