Show/Hide 2018.01.01 - 获奖用户ID公示/List of winners
本次活动圆满结束,谢谢积极参与的各位,以下为获奖的用户ID。请获得二等奖的五位用户私信告诉storm 欲注册个性邮箱的账号(@前的用户名)。

The celebration ends with perfection. Thanks for all the participants and the winners have been announced as follows:

Note: Second-place winners need to PM storm your wanted z4a mail account.

一等奖/1st Place:jsspace jonaseben hahadoit f371868257

二等奖/2nd Place:zyn1998 ft3980802 yushu007 saifun bard

三等奖/The rest:byjlwl ljw19891989 bladelu6 dx8816 86818384 ly8283

poiu33 pasakax zhd hcycharlie Amani npufeng bbc2222 ljwbsdefz

JRXMZM a15821795760 wtsky yzxxn8 uygfdds jobswang woodylll root

Phoenix hsf0104 stmn chubu xyli1996 zhphxx zy3411 solo352 onlylsy

TYZH zolo666 20094126 geforce PTLIVE shaqrock hclwolf sysboy

CHNTDCS Unbelievable 1326727740 seuer 9mmorange NEVER

313255924 ywxing huxiche qewww123 EthanLeen xbq513 wildcloudy

colingpt virgil1103 wxpiero longyu88689 renyafei100 taiyiteng kiwikewei

hanawa sun0000000 BigTree ricardor czym520 future c2uc2u superhe521

burtli xxlzhxx1234 step18 netspirit dw01 lostwood withyou chocksyu

bamboodsj zuo bluehdu lhz10405902 Mark xiamu byhhw88520

maomaoyu zidaenll shsmzjh GGMM sel0537504 mingsz8 390517840

cweiwei SriChen veni zl297 vlikhu puzhou manlycop celerysoft cyjok luckii

gubifeng qhm1234 lan4869 h122512 jianq fff000123 samoksamok

bbkmmm Tiberius meero zcy1989r qibao99999 foreterross xrs384571

moechuzhou dd2000 vast JackieGe vkey zhao1122 darkcran lwcocaine

xz52962322 lenologist xulu87 hfzk

Show/Hide 2017.12.24 - HDU三周年纪念活动/3rd Birthday of HDU
Show/Hide 2017.08.12 - 限量开放注册关闭