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Post By Hazzelnut
PrivateHD News
Thinking of upgrading your uTorrent 2.2.1? See here to find out how to
So we all know by now that uTorrent 2.2.1 is the tried and tested client for most trackers. Unfortunately it's getting on in years now and users might be tempted to upgrade to qbittorrent.
If you have a lot of torrents seeding, however, the process of moving everything over to qbittorrent will seem daunting.
If you look here you will find an excellent tool to help you move everything across (bear in mind it is windows exclusive). I have just tried it and it works like a charm. It'll even transfer labels and ratios! Follow the instructions in the article and you'll be golden.
If you find the thread is not available for some reason, or you cannot download the tool, send me a PM and I can pass it along!
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