On 9 April, the Pirate Party of Italy closed the internal debate on the European Elections and largely voted in favour of the motion about the support to the Alexis Tsipras’ list The Other Europe through the resolution 5687 on the e-democracy platform LiquidFeedback. The impossibility of the Party to gather the minimum legal number of signatures, in order to run as an independent party, drove the members to support a candidate on Tsipras’ list. The alternative to the resolution 5687 was to ignore European elections and to think about the future of the party.

Tommaso Fattori will represent the Pirate Party of Italy in the list. He is a founding member of the Italian Forum of Water Movements and was also one of the promoters of the successful referendum on water held in Italy in June 2011. The Party’s aim is to stimulate the debate in the European Parliament upon digital rights and support, the initiatives to protect the freedom of the net, to defend of the autodetermination of information, the freedom of knowledge and culture, the respect of the privacy of citizens, the reform of current anachronistic copyright laws and to support the pillars of our society – the information of the future.

As of 8 April, The Other Europe is polling at 4.5%, which is 0.5% more than the electoral threshold, enough to gain some seats in the European Parliament.