This is a reminder of our policy for account trading and selling.

Selling or trading invites or accounts is strictly not allowed, and any users found to be doing so will be banned.

However, if you purchased your invite or account (or received it in a trade), you can keep it without consequence as long as you tell us who you bought it from so we can ban them. If you do not tell us and we find out that you bought/traded the account, you will both be banned.
You can trust us to hold up our end of the bargain here (not banning you as long as you rat out your seller) because it's in our best interest to do so. By having a strict policy of protecting buyers who rat out their sellers, we make it more likely that sellers will be found out, and therefore less likely to bother selling. The idea is that this policy will eventually lead to less selling overall, because sellers will always be scared that their buyers will betray them.

This announcement comes on the heels of a discovery of a good number of invite sales. We will be banning all users involved soon unless they report their sellers. If you wish to report trading or selling, do so through a staff PM.