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Post By jimmy7
NotWhat.CD News
RIP EAC 2000-2017
This was going to be a blog post but EAC deserves at least an announcement…
The EAC verification method is outdated and compromised. Malicious users can append valid checksums to tampered logfiles. Unfortunately, this technique is already being exploiting across other trackers. We sincerely hope our members have enough sense to not attempt to modify log files as it will result in a permanent ban. We hope our users have accumulated enough buffer through the freeleeches and uploads without having to resort to the method described above. We do not believe our users would waste their time attempting to modify logs to gain buffer. We believe our community is just as dedicated to quality control as our staff.
The typical scenario of how this technique is used: a 0.99 is spoofed to look like a 1.0 with an appropriately generated checksum passing the logchecker as 100% verified. This does not mean they are transcodes, it simply means we can no longer verify the authenticity of any EAC Log (XLD is fine for now) but we trust you to make NWCD a treasure of correct metadata especially with our new release lineage feature.
EAC is still an option at this time for uploading as we trust our userbase to not forge logs.
All unverified torrents are currently NOT trumpable and we will let the community know when the trumping will begin. We are implementing our solution in the next FLAC FIRST milestone - more on this to come soon. The verification system has run through all the old logs and is instantly verifying all new uploads.
If you have any information about reverse engineering the XLD checksum please contact staff. RIP EAC 2000-2017
Thank you, NWCD Staff
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