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Post By jimmy7
New Denuvo protection lasts longer than its predecessors
Denuvo, recently protects games with a new version 4.7, and it seems to hold. Example, Assasin's Creed Origins has not yet been cracked.
The game is protected not only by Denuvo but also through of VMProtect. Lots of end-users have however been complaining about silly high CPU loads during their gaming session. The combo of Denuvo and VMProtect seems to be a winning one. Also Ubisoft’s Watch_Dogs 2 is protected by the new Denuvo version, and also hasn’t been cracked.
Typically games are cracked within a few days, hence this news jumps out of the ordinary, no Denuvo protected games being cracked within a month is odd. A Chinese game cracking group called 3DM even stated the copy protection could end game piracy.
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