Members of the Fleet,

We are pleased to announce that our new and much improved User Classes Promotion System is now active.
In order to progress to the next class you will need to visit the Bonus Shop and scroll down to the User Class Promotion field.

Promotions will now work a little differently than previously. There is no longer any Auto Promote by the system and promotions are achieved manually by the user once his/her requirements have been met for the next class. You will need to progress through each class one at a time. There will be no class jumping as every user is required to pass through each class.

Notable changes are:

  • Required Snatches
  • Required Cubits

We would also like to bring to your attention our new light stylesheet nbl_light.
Hopefully those of you who dislike darker stylesheets will enjoy using this new lighter stylesheet.

As usual if you spot an discrepancies in your stats or issues with the promotion and/or problems with the new stylesheet please do let us know.

// So say we all