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Post By CappyTempo
Dear Members of the Fleet,
Some of you may remember that we started out as a ratioless tracker. Back then we were using a very different source code which is vastly inferior to Gazelle. We took the decision to switch to Empornium's fork of Gazelle. It's been very good to us and has given us so much more than we could ever have hoped for. However, it has not given us ratioless and we have decided to change that. As from today you may consider Nebulance to be ratioless once more.
FREELEECH will be staying on for all newly uploaded episodes until we can finally get around to poking the site code and disabling ratio. In order to become a truly ratioless tracker we must count both upload and download while disabling ratio. This may or may not be possible do do. I say this as Rush our head developer is sadly no longer with us and I'd like to take a moment to thank Rush for all he did here for us. However, that being said it will not quite be the end of the world if we cannot count download but it would be nice to have.
As for our tracker we have been using Radiance for quite some time and Ocelot is not being used here any longer.
We are hopeful in our desire to upgrade Radiance at some point for you to use IPv6 Tracker to broadcast your IPv6 address to the swarm (if you have one) and much more besides.
As for Gazelle itself due to Rush leaving our upgrade to Luminance is now on hold.
I have made contact with Rush to ask him for his help but I have not received any reply and sadly I do not expect to either. So for the foreseeable future we shall continue to use our current fork of Gazelle which is now codenamed Project Cyzelle
// So say we all
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